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Long passed Opportunities – After the summer of 2023, I finally mustered up some additional energy to complete a project I began over 2 years ago. It had been quite some time since I genuinely enjoyed working on my personal 3D art. With a lot happening in my life, mainly revolving around family (which is a good thing), finding time to what I’ve always been passionate about has become increasingly challenging. |
Next Untitled Study – After some spring cleaning up I found this lying / hiding / dying / rotting in the deep folders of my hard drive.. Thought… okay its from 2018 so 3 years old stuff but still cool so decided to release it out. |
Lego – study – Yeah, boring times during all the covid-19 days. During early 2020 (first lockdown) I spent 3 days with kids sorting out lego bricks by colors. We put together all of those beautiful transparent pieces aside and I made some pictures which inspired me to make some 3d version. |
Devil’s fine-tuning cathedra – I must admit it maybe a bit inappropriate to publish such a hellish project in these rather dark times but better sooner than later than never. I was about to write an essey about it but I wont. I just want it out so I can focus on a bit more optimistic art again. |
Chess series – About year ago I started to work on chess set we have at home. Just for fun to try out the Bercon maps (plugin for 3dsmax) and see what could I do and how much I can get out of it. Besides other cool things it is very nice procedural 3d wood structure generator… |
Wasteland Fortunes – Where to start! I don’t recall exactly the moment and the reason… but I wanted to created something a little over the top again so I decided to create post-apo Sergej train transformed into some sort of ultimate weapon for whatever you need to fight… |
Her Eventual Hesitation – During the summer 2016 I came across this beautiful Volkswagen Transporter parking on the frontyard of the house where the English teacher of my daughter lives. It really hit my eyes. So I rang… After short chit-chat and explaining what I do, the teacher Jimmy and his wife were so kind to let me in and take some pictures… |
Autumn at Relay Outpost 17 – It all started as a lighting study of one of the images I keep in my references folder. Later I found out is a painting from Jeffrey Watts so I definitely want to credit Jeffrey as a inspiration spark. I didn’t stop with lighting and decided to continue the work. Added some semi sci-fi high tech outpost. Some old age abandoned place out of time which still works but the times of its purpose are mostly gone. |
Long Gone Eights – A little tribute to late 90s Audi a8. It started with a simple lighting test doodle but at some point I decided to work on it and see how far I can take it. As I needed to fill it with some cars I bought the audi a8 model from humster3d. Model was in quite a good shape but adjustments/tweaks were necessary. |
Return to Prime Even – I’ve been quite busy with work during 2014 but despite all I was able to spare some time and work on my personal artwork called Return to Prime Even. It all started with quick doodling in Photoshop and turned into long weeks of modeling, texturing, rendering, figuring things out and adding details. |
Souvenir – This illustration called “Souvenir” is inspired by the shelf lit by the late sunset trough the trees. I’ve seen this magical light setup last summer during family holiday in Slovakia. I was experimenting with several ideas how to make it more alive and bring a bit of story into it. |
Rooftops, Rockets and Adventures beyond – After long breaks I was able to finish my next personal artwork. Finally! It’s been 2 years back when I started to work on it. |
Under the southern highway – There isn’t too much I have in mind to say about this artwork. I’ve tried to capture some sort of grayness of life as a man gets older and older as he starts to burn down slowly. Tired of world and its ridiculous patethism. Looking around and see things which I’ve never noticed or needed to notice before as life goes on day after day and priorities of everyday life are changing. |
CG Garden – This picture as the title says is the still frame from the animation I’ve made. You can watch the animation here. |
Everything beautiful is far away – It’s about being far away from family, friends from everything you love and care about. Just an anonymous cold waiting areas of airport gates with strangers all around set to dime mood of cold weather and soft fogy sunset make your unwanted company. |
Eldorado – After a while I’ve finally finished my new personal project called “Eldorado”. Soil was originally made for a commercial print but client refused this version asking for less violent soil and so on and so on… We all know how these clients/studio stuff work. |
Lost Lake – I had this little accident with HDD and this render is the only thing left I found on my FTP from this lost project. So I called it Lost Lake. There won’t be any wireframes or any shade views this time. : o / … only thing I can show are older wip renders. |
Buggy Series – is one of bigger personal projects. I started to work on it in January 2008. It was shortly after I’ve seen Mad Max trilogy again. I love those fallout vehicles in the movie and I remember like I loved them when I was just a kid so I’ve decided to make at least my own one. I spent on it parts of my free time (about two to three weeks) during 4 months. |
Hektor – Hektor is the nickname of this diesel locomotive in Slovakia and Czech republic. I took a lot of reference pictures during my last visit of my hometown’s train station of Hlinik nad Hronom. I worked on this environment several months in my freetime. Everything is done in 3dsmax and rendered with Vray. I also did some postproduction in Photoshop.Dedicated to my little son and my wife. |
What took you so long!? – I’m happy that after months of working on a lot of professional projects eating all of my lifetime I found some time and I started, worked and I finished next personal artwork again. I call it “What took you so long?!” and it is environment inspired by one of Pragues districts where I’m living and working now. Name of the street on the plank is kind of ironic “Osloboditelov”… |
Sunrise of the 80’s – After the end of the year 2006, I had more free time to spend than usual so I started to work on my new personal project. I call it “Sunrise of the 80’s”. It took me about 3 weeks of work, mainly during the nights and creative moments of the short winter days. In the beginning it was planned as night street scene but during one week of playing with lighting and testing I reached sunrise once again … |
Heritage – after 2 months of summer time I’ve finish my next work. I spent on it like 2 months in the evenings and nights with quite big pauses during the summer (vacation, work etc.) I tried to achieve lighting in the time bit after sunset when intensity of sky is still strong but shadows are no more sharp but soft and diffuse. Why Nuclear heritage? |
Street of Memories – Since I moved from Slovakia to Italy I’ve started to miss a little bit those nice romantic mornings when I was studying in Brno.You are going to school and with a bit of luck you can find some cigarette from yesterday night in the pocket. Air so fresh and cold just like it can be in the city after rainy night. Sun is low and strong so you have to close your eyes a little bit to see something… |
Mitsubishi Eclipse 2006 – This is the most detailed car model I’ve ever done. I made exterior and interior high resolution model including shaders and high resolution textures. It took me 3 weeks of daily work. This time it is just a car… I hope that I’ll find some time to create appropriate enviroment…Done in 3dsmax with Brazil render. |
Last one – After many unsuccessful tries to quit smoking it looks like this time it will be successfully done. I’m really curious what will I find as a alternative. As far as I know myself I think it will be kind of coke or liquirizia roots. I didn’t like the ash part of my render so I cutted it away. If you are still interested to see it then check my demoreel with camera projected picture of real ash. That one is much better. This piece took me about 2 hours of work. Rendered in Final render stage-1. |
Crowd 8 – It was a boring night and I didn’t know what to do so I typed the word “inspiration” into Google and I found this page: bsimple.com. I immediately fell in love with the work of photographer Misha Gordin. I used one of the impressive photographs and I made a re-make it in 3D. Hope you like it. Original photograph by Misha Gordin. Thank you! Done in 3dsmax with Final render. |
Blood series – It all started when I cut my finger by accident. I started to bleed on the paper and notes from university. I started to play with blood trying to create some nice textures. Crazy i know. And blood series were born – then it was just a quick modeling of clothes based on real references and quick light setup. Rendered in Final render stage-1. Overpainted with my blood and lot of dirt textures in Photoshop. |
Waiting for spring – It took me one week of work. I tried to achieve photorealistic look. I downloaded blueprints from http://www.suurland.com/ . I took many pictures of real Fiat500L to have best references as possible. Snow beneath the car is modeled and after displaced with semi-procedural displacement map. There is all 3d except the houses in background. Rendered in Final render. |
Behind the portrait of Dorian Grey – I tried to achieve a good portrait look with deep feeling. It should be the dark side of Dorian Grey. Rendered in Final render. Here you can find short making of… |
Bolt and Hand – Just a little testing of my models and HDRI faking. Material of steel is 100% procedural. Rendered in Final render. |
Clochard – In the time when I was studying at university in Brno I always used trains from Bratislava to Brno and back. One winter evening I’ve seen this old homeless woman in Bratislava railway station. I was really impressed about situation and mood so I took the picture of her. Then I decided to remake the scene in 3d. I spent on it aprox. 5 days. Rendered in Final render. |
Tableshots – I made these renders to test some of rendering features of final render stage-1. I’ve try to achieve photorealism. There is HDRI fake with self-illuminated planes used for reflections. I also made a short movie with the scissors which is available to see here in short movies section. |
My love in bed – This piece was made very quickly. I used female study body and some references of bed to create this. Hair are composed in photoshop. Rendered in Final render. |
Female anatomy study – This was primary a modeling training. First there was a simple midpoly model of a standing woman, then skinning. Consequently I got her to the target pose, converted to editable poly and rebuilt practically the whole mesh. Rendered in Final render. |
Moonlight keeper – I’ve done this one in the time when I was playing Warcraft III and watching Lord of the ring movies. So main inspiration source should be clear. 3 weeks of modeling, texturing, testing and lighting. Rendered in Final render. |
Gramophone – This one is inspired by Equilibrium movie. I don’t like that movie too much mainly because of stupid happy end but I really love the camera and visual look of this movie. Background is pre-rendered and overpainted in photoshop. Rendered in Final render. |
Pinka warrior – High resolution model inspired by www.panzar.com . I really love work they are doing. This one was my first bigger modeling challenge. Rendered in Final render. |